FAQ - Devra Krassner, Naturopathic Doctor, LLC - Maine Whole Health

Cancer Therapy

The field of alternative cancer therapies includes at least 500 different treatments. The Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is involved in evaluating such treatments.  Many cancer survivors have gone outside the mainstream to explore treatments that are either less invasive or less toxic or possibly more effective than conventional therapies.

If you have been diagnosed with an illness that has been labeled as terminal or one for which there is no safe or proven cure-you should be allowed to choose or purchase any drug or treatment that may help, so long as it will do no harm.

With so much information available to the public about alternative treatment modalities, it is important to seek professional advice to assist in your decision making. At Maine Whole Health Center Dr. Krassner can guide you in bridging conventional and complementary cancer therapies. 

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